Stalin-Wells Talk.: The Verbatim Record And A Discussion By G. Bernard Shaw, H. G. Wells, J. M. Keynes, Ernst Toller And Others
Stalin-Wells Talk.: The Verbatim Record And A Discussion By G. Bernard Shaw, H. G. Wells, J. M. Keynes, Ernst Toller And Others
Wells, H. G., Joseph Stalin, G. Bernard Shaw, J. M. Keynes, Ernst Toller (illus. Low)
“The discussions [Wells] had with Stalin were recorded by a secretary and Wells later published an edited version as Stalin-Wells Talk: The Verbatim Record. It became clear to Wells that Stalin’s vision of the machinery required to power a socialist system was not the same as his, and that Stalin’s view of the bourgeoisie was less than condescending. What Wells didn’t know, of course, was that Stalin was in the process of planning the wholesale liquidation of those he considered undesirable in his reformation of government” (Feir, H. G. Wells at the End of His Tether, p. 38). Wells’s deferential conversation was criticized by Keynes, Bernard Shaw, and others, whose objections Wells graciously includes in this publication. 3 caricature portraits of Shaw, Wells and Keynes by David Low.
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