- £35.00
- Based almost entirely on the accounts of eyewitnesses and survivors, told in their own words, and on new or little-known letters, diaries, official reports, and papers, the author weaves together an engrossing and moving picture of what it was like to fight in the British Army in 1914. With b/w…
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A Book of Prose Selections
- £12.00
- John Masefield the then Poet Laureate makes his final selection of what he considers is the best of his work in prose. He has, as he admits, made a similar selection before, but it was done many years ago and his likes and dislikes, the general trend of his taste…
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A Brief History of the Future: the origins of the Internet
- £9.00
- The Internet is the most remarkable thing human beings have built since the Pyramids. A millennium from now, historians will look back at it and marvel that a people equipped with such clumsy tools succeeded in creating such a Leviathan. John NaughtonÀs book intersperses wonderful personal stories with an authoritative…
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A Chance to die: the life and legacy of Amy Carmichael (SIGNED)
- £40.00
- A Chance to Die is a vibrant portrayal of Amy Carmichael, an Irish missionary and writer who spent fiftyÐthree years in south India without furlough. There she became known as 'Amma', or 'mother', as she founded the Dohnavur Fellowship, a refuge for underprivileged children. AmyÕs life of obedience and courage…
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A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century
- £35.00
- The 14th century gives us back two contradictory images: on the one hand a glittering time of crusades and castles, cathedrals and chivalry and exquisitely illuminated Books of Hours; on the other a time of ferocity and spiritual agony - a world plunged into chaos. These are the years when…
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A History of England from the Accession of James the Second (10 books 5 volumes)
- £150.00
- From Tauchnitz's series Collection of British Authors, as follows (vol, # in series, date etc) - I, #172, 1849 - Bks 1 & 2, 413pp - II, #174, 1849 - Bks 3 & 4, 332pp - III, #338, 1855 - Bks 5 & 6, 300pp - IV, #340, 1855 -…
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A History of England from the Accession of James the Second (in 2 volumes)
- £110.00
- Macaulay's History was originally published in 1848 in 5 volumes, but this edition reduced that to two, without a reduction in text. The History is famous for its brilliant ringing prose and for its confident, sometimes dogmatic, emphasis on a progressive model of British history. According to this view, England…
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A History of Eton College (1440-1898)
- £150.00
- The third edition of Maxwell Lyte's famous history of Eton College, completely revised throughout and greatly enlarged (1st edition in 1875). With illustrations and pull-out maps, exploring its origins in 1440 and its progression and life through the centuries. Illustrations by P. H. Delamotte
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A People Betrayed: The Role Of The West In Rwanda’s Genocide
- £15.00
- In Rwanda in 1994 one million people were killed in a planned, public and political campaign. For six years Linda Melvern has worked on the story of this horrendous crime, and this book, a classic piece of investigative journalism, is the result. Its new and startling information has the making…
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A Rumour of War
- £85.00
- In March 1965, Marine Lieutnant Philip J. Caputo landed in Danang with the first ground combat unit committed to fight in Vietnam. Sixteen months later, having served on the line in one of modern history's ugliest wars, he returned home - physically whole, emotionally wasted, his youthful idealism shattered. A…
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A Sense of Place
- £25.00
- A collection of three essays about France by the renowned Oxford professor of history: 1. Becoming a historian; 2. 'L'Affaire Perken'; 3. Seduction and Pregnancy in Revolutionary Lyon.
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A Short History of Europe (From Pericles to Putin) (SIGNED)
- £60.00
- The first short, single-volume history of the continent - from the Dark Ages to present day - by the author of the bestselling A Short History of England. Europe is an astonishingly successful place. In this dazzling new history, bestselling author Simon Jenkins grippingly tells the story of its evolution…
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A Spy’s London
- £45.00
- In 'this remarkable book' (as intelligence historian Nigel West describes it in his Foreword), the reader will be struck by the vibrancy of history made real. Author Roy Berkeley has gone behind the facades of ordinary buildings, in the city that West calls 'the espionage capital of the World', to…
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Abyss: The Cuban Missile Crisis 1962 (SIGNED)
- £50.00
- A Times History Book of the Year 2022 From the #1 bestselling historian Max Hastings Ôthe heart-stopping story of the missile crisisÕ Daily Telegraph The 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis was the most perilous event in history, when mankind faced a looming nuclear collision between the United States and Soviet Union.…
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Accusatory Practices Denunciation In Modern European History, 1789-1989
- £25.00
- The opening of the Stasi archives in 1989 revealed the existence of denunciation and informing in police states, but such practices have long been known. This is an exploration of denunciation and informing in Europe in the two centuries between the French Revolution and the fall of the Berlin Wall.…
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- £35.00
- Based almost entirely on the accounts of eyewitnesses and survivors, told in their own words, and on new or little-known letters, diaries, official reports, and papers, the author weaves together an engrossing and moving picture of what it was like to fight in the British Army in 1914. With b/w…
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A Book of Prose Selections
- £12.00
- John Masefield the then Poet Laureate makes his final selection of what he considers is the best of his work in prose. He has, as he admits, made a similar selection before, but it was done many years ago and his likes and dislikes, the general trend of his taste…
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A Brief History of the Future: the origins of the Internet
- £9.00
- The Internet is the most remarkable thing human beings have built since the Pyramids. A millennium from now, historians will look back at it and marvel that a people equipped with such clumsy tools succeeded in creating such a Leviathan. John NaughtonÀs book intersperses wonderful personal stories with an authoritative…
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A Chance to die: the life and legacy of Amy Carmichael (SIGNED)
- £40.00
- A Chance to Die is a vibrant portrayal of Amy Carmichael, an Irish missionary and writer who spent fiftyÐthree years in south India without furlough. There she became known as 'Amma', or 'mother', as she founded the Dohnavur Fellowship, a refuge for underprivileged children. AmyÕs life of obedience and courage…
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A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century
- £35.00
- The 14th century gives us back two contradictory images: on the one hand a glittering time of crusades and castles, cathedrals and chivalry and exquisitely illuminated Books of Hours; on the other a time of ferocity and spiritual agony - a world plunged into chaos. These are the years when…
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A History of England from the Accession of James the Second (10 books 5 volumes)
- £150.00
- From Tauchnitz's series Collection of British Authors, as follows (vol, # in series, date etc) - I, #172, 1849 - Bks 1 & 2, 413pp - II, #174, 1849 - Bks 3 & 4, 332pp - III, #338, 1855 - Bks 5 & 6, 300pp - IV, #340, 1855 -…
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A History of England from the Accession of James the Second (in 2 volumes)
- £110.00
- Macaulay's History was originally published in 1848 in 5 volumes, but this edition reduced that to two, without a reduction in text. The History is famous for its brilliant ringing prose and for its confident, sometimes dogmatic, emphasis on a progressive model of British history. According to this view, England…
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A History of Eton College (1440-1898)
- £150.00
- The third edition of Maxwell Lyte's famous history of Eton College, completely revised throughout and greatly enlarged (1st edition in 1875). With illustrations and pull-out maps, exploring its origins in 1440 and its progression and life through the centuries. Illustrations by P. H. Delamotte
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A People Betrayed: The Role Of The West In Rwanda’s Genocide
- £15.00
- In Rwanda in 1994 one million people were killed in a planned, public and political campaign. For six years Linda Melvern has worked on the story of this horrendous crime, and this book, a classic piece of investigative journalism, is the result. Its new and startling information has the making…
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A Rumour of War
- £85.00
- In March 1965, Marine Lieutnant Philip J. Caputo landed in Danang with the first ground combat unit committed to fight in Vietnam. Sixteen months later, having served on the line in one of modern history's ugliest wars, he returned home - physically whole, emotionally wasted, his youthful idealism shattered. A…
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A Sense of Place
- £25.00
- A collection of three essays about France by the renowned Oxford professor of history: 1. Becoming a historian; 2. 'L'Affaire Perken'; 3. Seduction and Pregnancy in Revolutionary Lyon.
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A Short History of Europe (From Pericles to Putin) (SIGNED)
- £60.00
- The first short, single-volume history of the continent - from the Dark Ages to present day - by the author of the bestselling A Short History of England. Europe is an astonishingly successful place. In this dazzling new history, bestselling author Simon Jenkins grippingly tells the story of its evolution…
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A Spy’s London
- £45.00
- In 'this remarkable book' (as intelligence historian Nigel West describes it in his Foreword), the reader will be struck by the vibrancy of history made real. Author Roy Berkeley has gone behind the facades of ordinary buildings, in the city that West calls 'the espionage capital of the World', to…
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Abyss: The Cuban Missile Crisis 1962 (SIGNED)
- £50.00
- A Times History Book of the Year 2022 From the #1 bestselling historian Max Hastings Ôthe heart-stopping story of the missile crisisÕ Daily Telegraph The 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis was the most perilous event in history, when mankind faced a looming nuclear collision between the United States and Soviet Union.…
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Accusatory Practices Denunciation In Modern European History, 1789-1989
- £25.00
- The opening of the Stasi archives in 1989 revealed the existence of denunciation and informing in police states, but such practices have long been known. This is an exploration of denunciation and informing in Europe in the two centuries between the French Revolution and the fall of the Berlin Wall.…
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